Through our partnerships within Cru Global and other ministries, we are currently officially engaged in 118 countries.
As the reports around the global pandemic take over the news, it reminded me of the Y2K bug. Hindsight will tell us if the steps we are taking will minimize the problem or just delay the pain.
However, at the end of the day, we need to remember that God is in control, which gives us hope when walking through the valley of the shadow of death.
A man from Russia (we’ll call him Paul) had a real question — Why did God save my life? He turned to the internet to find the answer and found Jesus through Digital Strategies.
Paul wrote in to IssuesIFace.com because he was convinced God had saved his life (physically) while undergoing cancer treatment, in answer to prayer. (He was not a believer, but a Christian had prayed for him, and encouraged him to pray too).
In his reply, the mentor asked, "Has anyone ever shared with you what it means to know God personally? According to your understanding, how does a person become a Christian?" In response, Paul wrote, “Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to have someone share with me what it means to know God personally. I also don’t really know how a person becomes a Christian. I have never attended Church. So this is where the glorious work begins!” After the mentor explained the gospel, over several online messages, Paul responded that he invited Christ to come into his heart!
His mentor shared and discussed truths that will help him grow spiritually and soon realized that this new believer was truly eager to serve Christ with his life. Paul wrote: “I read about the Great Commission in Matthew. You know, I have been looking into different ministries for ways to reach out to more people, and God is very clearly telling me to use my talents to glorify Him….Instead of putting all my energy into earthly work and letting God have whatever is left over at the end of the day, I am being directed to do the opposite and start with God’s work….” He also wrote of reaching out in any way he can to a friend who is currently battling cancer, and of getting established in a local church.
A number of our DS staff live in countries heavily affected by the Corona Virus. Please pray for safety as well as opportunities to share the hope we have in Jesus as people in China and other places in lock-down, look to the internet for community and answers to their fears.
It has always been a dream to work closely with the staff of Cru around the world. We are seeing movements happening where strategies that we had no part in planning, use the tools we have developed to reach their countries.
As we work closer with the Ethiopian ministry, we are excited to see the amazing things that the team is able to accomplish there.
Will you help reach one billion people with the Gospel this May? We're a part of GO 2020.
Over the years, we were known as Women Today Online, GoPoints & Power to Change, TruthMedia, and The Life Project. Power to Change Digital Strategies is a much better fit for what we do.